Monday, February 1, 2010

Lesson 2 - Technology: Boon or Bane?

Is technology boon or a blessing; or is it bane or a curse to mankind? This is the paradox that humanity faces with the development and advent of modern technology.
Technology is actually a blessing for man. There are a lot of things that we can do now as compared in the past with the help of modern technology. It makes life easier or convenient like the modern communication facilities: (cell phone and internet) that link mankind globally; and the modern and fast transportation facilities that let mankind conquer the world. More so, it makes teaching and learning becomes more exciting, stimulating, novel and engaging. Further, more human lives are saved with the aid of modern technologies. Moreover, technology bringing speed and convenience, it gives mankind the time and opportunity to enjoy and develop other aspects in life for its further and total development.
On the other end, technology becomes a curse with disuse and abuse of its usage. It can make or break a relationship in the micro level; and at the same time, it can make or break the world in the macro level like the misuse of the atomic bomb in World War II that destroys a great number of people and the environment. A lot of destructive things can happen when technology is not properly put in its proper and rightful usage, hence it can hinder the improvement and development of humanity and society.
My Learning:
Technology is made for man and not man for technology. It is ideally an instrument to aid greatly in the advancement and progress of humanity in so many aspects like education, economy, health, infrastructure and governance in the locality and for the global welfare, that makes the world a beautiful place to live in.
My Application:
As educators, we play a major role in striking the balance for the use and integration of technology in the teaching and learning process. Technology without the heart, is rude and destructive. It is therefore our responsibility to inculcate to the learners the morals for the proper usage of technology or else it can be a detriment to the development of the individual and to the society.

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